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Studio L Interiors is a Houston-based (and beyond) boutique residential interior design firm. Owner and founder Lauren Simmons is inspired by all of her favorite creative outlets—fashion, architecture, travel, and music—but most of all, she's inspired by her clients' unique tastes and lives.

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I know you’ve seen this combination before (if not everyday) – boring, white paneled interior doors with basic flat brushed nickel door knobs.  Wah-wah.  Interior doors and door hardware are often overlooked and a forgotten design detail.  There are so many amazing ways to spruce up your interiors by changing out your interior doors to a new style.  Or even easier – painting your interior doors to give them brand new life!  And you would be a true next level design rockstar if you switched out your boring door hardware to something cool and statement – making!  So let me show you a few door updates that will truly pop in your interior and have you wondering why you didn’t do this YEARS ago.

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Interior Door and Door Hardware Tip #1 – Black Painted Doors

We all know about white painted doors.  If you are looking for door oomph, ain’t nobody got time for white.  And even if you are scared of color (#whysodramatic), even the most neutral obsessed person could get behind black painted doors.  The proof is in the pudding – these black interior doors are so chic, classic, and give such a sophisticated oomph to otherwise bland spaces.  If you have along boring hallways with lots of plain white doors, imagine the great contrast you would get with gorgeous black doors.  They work well within every interior style, too!


Interior Door and Door Hardware Tip #2 – Shaker Style Door

Many newly constructed homes have 6 panel white doors, which are so mundane and unexciting.  Shakes style doors, on the other hand,  are obviously simple, but they aren’t necessarily common – which makes them special!  Shaker style doors work well in all styles of decor – from traditional to completely modern, and are gorgeous painted in nearly any hue.  Due to their simplicity, they add an architectural touch to a space that is clean and unexpected.

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Interior Door and Door Hardware Tip #3 – Gold Door Hardware

Gold or brass door hardware is great if you are sick and tired of the boring door hardware that is plaguing us all (#raisingmyhand).  Many clients I run into are confused about how to mix metals – they wonder “If I use gold door hardware, will I have to change out every metal finish in my home to match?”  And thankfully the answer is “no!”  Mixed metals throughout a home gives a home more charm and personality.  And gold door hardware is like the perfect jewelry that finishes a great outfit.

I hope this content was helpful to you, and revealed that there really are a few simple design details that can elevate your home to the next level. And if it was…there’s more where that came from! Subscribe below to receive actionable design advice and inspiration to your inbox every week. 
